Saturday, August 29, 2015

Summer/Fall Update

It has been quite a while since we've provided an update here regarding our furry family.

This is because the end of the year has grown busy for us, thus slowing down what time we would normally have to upload YouTube videos regularly. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find time to share videos of Peanut, and although he's learned many new tricks since his latest debut, our YouTube activity will have to become limited.

Regarding Peanut's health...

Peanut is doing well, but it is obvious that he is slowing down. For those of you who aren't familiar with the care of guinea pigs, at age 4 they are considered "seniors" and require a bit more care and attention. Peanut is currently 4 years and 5 months old.  He's beginning to develop several problems. We would love to adopt another guinea pig, however our busy schedule and Peanut's preference of having all of the attention in the family prevents us from doing so. We will let you all know if there are any future updates concerning Peanut or new additions.

We also received a request about creating a trick tutorial through our YouTube channel. As soon as Peanut's next trick video is completed, we will begin work on it (if Peanut remains in fine form). Peanut's health is of utmost importance! We apologize deeply for any delays.

November update: Over the past few months, we noticed that Peanut developed a lump under his left arm (which we mentioned in the description of his latest video titled "Incredible Basic Guinea Pig Tricks!"). We also recently noted that the lump has increased in size, and that Peanut began to lose weight.

On November 20, we took Peanut in to the veterinarian's office and they performed a biopsy on his arm to determine if the lump was a malignant tumor. When the results came back, we were informed that Peanut was diagnosed with a form of cancer. Although we aren't sure of the type of cancer, we concluded that the lump could not be removed because the cancer had already spread to other parts of Peanut's body, including his lungs, and that it would be much too expensive and risky to treat (especially for Peanut's old age). Regardless, we received some antibiotics that would help ease Peanut's pain for the time being.

Now that there is nothing left to do, we've been given two choices: to either wait for the cancer to infect Peanut's body completely (which will happen in one of the upcoming months, if not a few weeks), or to have him put to sleep. This week Peanut will be coming on a trip with us (keep in mind that this trip has already been planned, and we have no choice but to bring him), so we have decided to wait until after the trip to have him put to sleep. We believe that this is the correct choice; throughout our vacation we will do our best to keep Peanut happy and healthy. We do not want him to suffer. :'(

Peanut sleeping after his latest training session.
Moving on to the topic of our YouTube videos: we will no longer be uploading to Peanut's YouTube channel. We apologize to any awaiting our upcoming trick tutorials and videos. The reason is that Peanut has lost all interest in performing tricks, and we do not want to upload videos of him doing something he does not have the strength nor will to do. When Peanut passes away we will surely notify everyone, but other than that we will only be active in commenting. However, it will be important for you to check up on Peanut's media sites regularly; if we ever have any news regarding a new addition to the family, it will be posted there.

There are no words to express the gratitude we feel for everyone's support and encouragement throughout this difficult time. These kind words are appreciated immeasurably.  Thank you.

Our official YouTube channel:
Our official blog:

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